Forester-In-Training: Tom Younger

Forester Feature (by Mike Hall, FPBC): Tom Younger knew he wanted to apply his passions as a professional forester, and that he wanted an adventure. Raised on ecologically and culturally diverse West Coast islands, he figured where better to learn and explore than the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), with its campus embedded in the emerald forest above Prince George and outdoor labs at the nearby Aleza Lake and John Prince research forests.

“These are the specialties of the UNBC forestry program,” says Younger, a forester in training (FIT) and former ForesTrust [and FBCWA] scholarship winner. “On top of that, the thought of learning forestry in downtown Vancouver, as rural BC guy, didn’t call me.”


Boards of Directors for the Woodlot Product Development Council and the Federation of BC Woodlot Associations


Woodlot Interview: McNaughton | Managed Forest: BC Assessment