First Aid training in February

There is an Occupational First Aid Course offered by Laurie Baird in the Cumberland Fire Hall on February 15th.

Time: 9:30 – 16:00

Cost: $100.00 + GST - $105.00

The Transportation Endorsement Course (required for inaccessible or remote work) is offered on February 21st.

Location: Cumberland Fire Hall

Time: 9:30 – 16:00

Cost: $125.00 + GST - $131.25

Please contact Laurie directly to confirm your attendance so that she can mail you some material ahead of the course.

Phone (250) 336-8733 or by e-mail <>



Planting on Your Woodlot | 2021 Bill 28 | February Tab Rates | Climate Webinar


Consultations for proposed Land Act Amendments